
Seismith is developping libraries and applications for seismic data analysis and velocity model building.

One goal is to provide a scalable environment both for use and development.


For a user, scalable means ( at least ) that one can work on a simple directory, accessing simple files or from a more complex project layout with access to existing databases.

Applications will rely on a data management layer which will loaded dynamically. Starting an application in a empty directory will load a minimal system, starting the application from a project manager will force the application to use the adequate systems/servicesr.

On top of this data layer, interactive applications can be developped using existing building blocks.

The user can add some cultural information to display maps and 3D views of the survey.

The user can display 2D views of a dataset. It can look at traces headers. It should be the first step to import data.

The user can also apply minimal processing or compare datasets side-by-side using multiple 2D views which can also be use as as basic application.

An example of a more complex application is a the VRMS Analysis which displays semblance and corrected gather side by side.

It is also possible to use a simple 3D view. The data can be any kind of cube, seismic or velocity.

Data Management

To access data, the applications use a small database that contain information on datasets, which are external.

Datasets can be registered when an application reads it or with scripts. How to access the dataset ( file path or service, format ... ) is added in the database at the registration.

Links or relation between datasets can also be kept in the database. For example, it can be used to link a section and the topography or an horizon and a model.