2D Viewer

These are examples of 2D views of a SEGY file. It use to analyse the contents of the file. It is possible to display informations on trace data and headers.


Single trace display

The small green triangle allows the selection of a trace from which header values can be displayed. Attributes are data dependent. A default set is defined for a SEGY/SU file.


Trace headers curves

Trace headers can be displayed above the seismic. Each selected header has its own axis. In the following example, the source coordinate ( src_x_scaled ) is shown in red and the group coordinate ( grp_x_scaled ) is shown in blue.


Frequency spectrum

The red rectangle defines the area of interest used to compute the frequency spectrum. As you move the rectangle, the spectrum is recomputed instantly.


Image Edition

The lookup table transforming the data in color can be edited.
